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Showing 25–36 of 49 results


PIMA COTTON is an impeccable fabric made from 100% pure and super fine PIMA COTTON. Woven on high tech air jet machinery with special care, PIMA COTTON is suited to provide comfort. To make it the perfect cloth.



Royal Vicuna is the finest wool made of the fleece of the Vicuna (a slender animal with a long neck). It is so valuable that it is rightly called the finest wool of the world. This fabric has been useful to survive the freezing winters with its ultra fine and extremely dense texture. Royal Vicuna holds superb temperature regulation properties.

Royal Vicuna fabric is popular for its extreme warmth insulation and lightness at a time. It is some of the thinnest hair fibers in the world, even eight times thinner than human hair! Products made from Royal Vicuna are very soft and warm, making you feel it more like satin than wool, while keeping the properties of wool.

Fabric: Wool

Property: Winter Season Fabric

Measurement per suit piece:

  Length: 4 Meter

Width:  54″ to 56″

Colors Available: 7

Color & Quality Guaranteed!

Any required measurement available on demand.

*Note: Due to the photographic lighting & different screen calibrations, the colors of the original product or fabric may slightly vary from the picture.


SPARK DOLPHIN SUITING is an exclusive blend of superfine fibers poly viscose. We are made up on high tech woven loom. In four season with its lustrous shine and smooth texture. Beautiful shades of SPARK DOLPHINE will be loved by you.



WIDTH :- 56”


Color & Quality Guaranteed!

Any required measurement availabal on demand.


Unstitched collection of VIP DECENT POSHAK men suiting is the thing about best quality and durability. Wrinkle-resistant and elegant look which is the base to a perfect outfit which your personality really deserves. Beautiful shades of Oxford will be loved by you and quality will compel you to have more.


Fabric: Wash & Wear

Property: Summer Season Fabric

Measurement per suit piece:

Length: 4 Meter

Width:  54″

Colors Available: 10

Color & Quality Guaranteed!

Any required measurement available on demand.

*Note: Due to the photographic lighting & different screen calibrations, the colors of the original product or fabric may slightly vary from the picture.

Showing 25–36 of 49 results